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Tooth Pain Relief in Framingham, MA


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Don't Live With Pain!

When you have a toothache, there is no way for you to know exactly what’s going on with your oral health. One thing that’s certain though – the problem isn’t going to go away on its own. Your dentist has the tools and knowledge to quickly diagnose you and make the pain stop. Contact Dr. Sumbul Naqvi at Atlantis Dental in Framingham, MA, to get toothache pain relief right away.

Treatments for Toothache Pain Relief

Your dentist can provide toothache pain relief right away – but you must contact your dentist to make the discomfort stop. Save yourself from bigger and even more painful and costly oral health complications and get help now. Your dentist is likely to use one of the following treatments for toothache pain relief:

  • Root Canal Therapy

    No one likes the thought of root canal therapy, but this treatment is immediately effective. If a tooth root is infected, your dentist will clean the roots meticulously, fill the canals, and cap the tooth with a crown for a complete dental restoration.

  • Tooth-Colored Filling

    If your tooth pain is from a cavity and the decay has not gone too deeply into the tooth, a tooth-colored filling can repair the damage and leave you with a natural-looking repair and pain-free mouth.

  • Porcelain Crown

    Sometimes tooth decay is too big for a filling, but not severe enough to warrant a root canal. In this case, a porcelain crown will be created to cover the entire treated tooth and protect it from developing further problems.

  • Tooth Extraction

    There are times when a tooth is so compromised that no dental restoration can fix it and an extraction is necessary. Otherwise, your dentist will always do everything possible to save your natural tooth (unless it’s a wisdom tooth that just needs to be pulled). After the area is healed, you can discuss dental restorations, like a dental implant or dental bridge.

  • Dental Bonding

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Call our office at (508) 270-5050 to talk to our caring, knowledgeable, and energetic team or use the button down below to contact us using an online form.

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Causes of Tooth Pain

There are many possible things that could be going on with your tooth and causing you great discomfort. Most of them, though, will be unseen. During an emergency dental appointment, your Framingham dentist will investigate all possible options, which is likely to result in the identification of one of the following causes of tooth pain:

  • Tooth Infection: When the pulp of the tooth becomes infected, it’s because bacteria has found its way inside through a crack or decay.
  • Tooth Decay: Cavities always start small but, left untreated, they will grow and cause great pain once the interior layers of the tooth are reached.
  • Gum Disease: Periodontal disease can cause all kinds of discomfort as it spreads through the mouth, including a toothache or pain that feels like a toothache.
  • Impacted Wisdom Tooth: An impacted or partially erupted wisdom tooth will cause severe tooth pain and can also damage nearby teeth.
  • Receding Gums: You may not be suffering from a tooth infection but receding gums reveal more and more of a tooth, leading to great sensitivity that mimics a toothache.

Stop Your Tooth Pain at Framingham, MA

If you are suffering from severe tooth pain, get the relief you need right away. Contact Atlantis Dental in Framingham, MA, to schedule an emergency dental appointment with Dr. Naqvi.

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